cabinet Summary of microswitches used with beatmania and compatible part numbers With so many similar switches out there, some may be in-stock or out-of-stock, and some may have cheaper prices, so I to... 2022.08.08 0 cabinet
Arcade Bug in completeMIX2 where previous song is played Here's the livestream that inspired this entry:Even though they're playing SYSTEM, all of the sudden you start to hear O... 2021.08.15 0 Arcade
System How beatmania’s turntable works beatmaniaの特徴的なデバイスであるターンテーブルの構造と、動作の仕組みをまとめます。 2021.08.08 0 System
cabinet Journey of a 5-key machine via car (Part Two) – Move-out and move-in 搬出のため完全にバラされた筐体!果たして無事に運び出すことができるのか! 2021.08.01 0 cabinet
cabinet Journey of a 5-key machine via car (Part One) – Purchase and disassembly 5鍵筐体を購入してから搬出まで 2021.07.25 0 cabinet
CS Using AC turntable with CS controller Getting ready to fulfill my wish to play CS 5-keys with an ASC (arcade style controller)!I created a module that reads t... 2021.06.16 0 CSProduction
beatmania III Distribution of beatmania III save data: Just before unlocking mnemoniq OverviewHere's my distribution of beatmania III save data from just before you unlock mnemoniq.By using this, you can en... 2019.04.20 0 beatmania III